Sunday, March 9, 2014


I have never been much of an ellipses exploiter. Whenever my friends overuse those three dots, I get annoyed. Sometimes they just seem so unnecessary and vague. It is because of this article that I realized that ellipses are even more annoying than what I had previously believed. I hadn't realized some of the grammatical sins that people are committing because of these three fools. 

First of all, why are people even using the ellipses more than once in every single text or Tweet they send? They use it in a horrible way. This addresses the way in which people in our century are promulgating a writing revolution. As referred in this article and the previous one we read about commas, people of this time are writing as they would speak. And this has brought a lot of consequences for the writing world. Since we now write as we would communicate through speech, we omit commas and write in a more relaxed way. This brings a huge problem; we are not even completing sentences. Ellipses are just another excuse to be lazy and make our lives easier, making it possible for texters to join dependent clauses without coherence. 

But is it really making our lives easier? Many people are not even getting what everyone has to say because with the three dots, the meaning of a message can be quite confusing if there are no complete sentences involved. The laziness and lack of coherence have made it difficult for message receivers to understand. 

Now that I think about it, I have used ellipses before. However, not as a shortcut or because I'm lazy. I'm actually not lazy at all when it comes to texting and informal writing. I use ellipses only the way that I've learned to use them in school. As the article explained, "in more formal writing, ellipses are often used to show omissions from within a piece of text." That's literally the only way I incorporate the three dots in my writing, and I think that's the way it should be for everyone. 

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