Saturday, December 14, 2013

No More Fatties

So I just finished the book Fat Land. Honestly, I thought it would end better, and also as a whole, I thought the book might've been more engaging. At the beginning I was very excited to read it because the book starts in a very appealing way. Towards the middle - end, I was so bored that I even started counting off the pages and got to the point of impatience were I couldn't wait to turn each page over. Basically the last 40 pages of the book talk about a lot of facts and recommendations on what people can do to burn calories. It just gets too textbook-ish and that's what makes it so boring. Textbooks can be fun, such as Thank You For Arguing which really engages the reader due to it's quizzical tone. However, in Fat Land, things get too scientific and it becomes quite monotonous at times. 

I did like a couple of things, though. There's one phrase that stood out to me when I was near the end and it's: "More Americans are obese than smoke, use illegal drugs, or suffer from ailments unrelated to obesity" (pg. 147). This just portrays exactly how serious of a problem obesity has become. Another very interesting thing that I noticed was that in page 165, the word "TV" is written eleven times. In this part, they are talking about how to incentivize people to lose weight and well leaving the TV and couch is definitely the major idea. If people stop watching so many hours of TV, they will 1) look for other activities to do 2) watch less commercials that advertise junk food and 3) they will snack less because they aren't at that comfy couch with a bag of chips right next to them. 

The last vocabulary word that I found in this book was inveighing, which is to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words. 

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